It’s that time of the year again, finals season is approaching, the semester is coming to a close, and breaks are becoming a desperate necessity. A lot of you must be making a physical or mental list of the infinite things you need to get done and study for over this week long “break”. I am not going to tell you that you shouldn’t, because I am doing the exact same thing. However, as the end of the semester creeps up on us, we forget to take care of ourselves and lose sight of what is important. As thanksgiving approaches, we have the chance to reflect on our lives and appreciate all the small things we do obtain, but neglect. This thanksgiving, leadership wanted to take a chance to say the things we are thankful for:
“I am thankful for family and friends who support me through everything I do, dogs, good food & of course WSS :)” - Jessica Martin
“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family, friends, the new relationships I have made in the past year, the opportunities I have been provided with, The amazing women in WSS, and most importantly for the education I am receiving” - Mehak Dureja
“I am thankful for the opportunities that have been provided for me and the girl friends that continue to encourage me to take them.” -Lindsey Allen
“As the holidays start to come around and the year comes to a close, I am forever grateful for all the amazing memories I’ve made this year with my family and friends. It’s been a wonderful year, and because of WSS, I now have a tight group of friends I am incredibly happy to call my best friends!” -Genovese Le
“I am thankful for the new opportunities and friendships this year has given me. I am also so grateful for my family and friends who have loved and supported me throughout this year.” -Julia DePillo
“I am incredibly thankful for all the amazing women I have met because of WSS as well as the opportunities I’ve received. I am also happy that I get to finally graduate this December” -Kelly Glibas
“I am thankful for my friends who push me to be my best whether that be in school or life in general” -Madi Balagtas
“ I am thankful for my supportive and loving family, friends and fellow women in science.” -Alyssa Uribe
“I am thankful I have family, friends and the women of WSS that empower me to be a better person every morning”
-Ashelyn Lutrick
“I am thankful for my friends and family, and the never ending support system I have found within WSS”
Holly Norman
