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Nat's Declassified Spring Break Survival Guide

Well ladies, spring break is upon us. I don’t know about you, but when it comes to spring break I usually have absolutely nothing to do. I have never gone on a crazy spring break trip to Mexico or anything like that (catch me writing this in South Carolina) so there is usually one result of this break, and that is boredom. Ah, but don’t you guys worry. I have spent the past few weeks scraping together a survival guide especially for all of you reading this at home.

Let’s start with something basic that you can do right now. Recently, I was scrolling through social media apps and went to Facebook to see what inspiring quotes my mother posted today when I saw the words "Pick Your Favorite Dessert and We'll Tell You When You'll Meet The Love Of Your Life." Obviously, I clicked on it and fell down the rabbit-hole of Buzzfeed quizzes. So, of course, I made a couple especially for you lovely ladies, ridiculously-long titles and all.

Plan Your Ultimate Spring Break And Find Out What Element You Are:

Describe Your College Life And We'll Tell You What Member of Exec You Are:

Another thing you can do right this second is take some fun personality tests. I am an INFP Myers-Briggs personality type, so learning about myself is something I truly enjoy and find beneficial. I have included some of my favorite tests to help you all learn a bit more about yourselves.

One thing I am sure of is that a girl has got to eat. Spring Break is a good time to experiment with some new healthy(ish) recipes to possibly incorporate into your everyday life. I searched through the depths of the internet (Pinterest) and came across some recipes that I found especially mouth-watering.

Bean, Potato, & Veggie Vegan Breakfast Hash:

Let’s face it, there is one thing you are all destined to do over break if all else fails, binge some new shows. I asked some friends to recommend their current favorite shows on Netflix and Hulu and here are some of their responses:

You - A story of romance taken a bit extreme, but how far is too far?

Queer Eye - Reality TV at its best. A truly touching show where 5 guys come into someone’s life and give them more than just a makeover.

The Act - A dramaticized telling of the true story of Gypsy Rose and her mother.

Santa Clarita Diet - A comedy about a women turned into a zombie and how her and her family try to lead a normal life despite it.

Sex Education - An awkward high school virgin gives the entire school sex advice.

The End of The F***ing World - A teenager is plotting his first murder when he meets a girl and things take an expected turn.

Netflix isn’t your thing? Can’t relate, but no worries. I also have a few active readers in my life that were quick to recommend some amazing books covering many genres.

Catcher in the Rye - A classic about a cynical teenage boy enduring the world and the many different people within it.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children - A mystery that dances on the line of fantasy and reality.

Love Letters to the Dead - A young girl writes letters to famous dead people helping her make sense of her own life.

Eleanor and Park - A cute, fluffy love story that does not follow the stereotypical romance outline and does not disappoint.

Throne of Glass - A fantasy series that follows the story of a teenage assassin living in a kingdom ruled by a tyrant.

Now that we have had some fun, let’s get a little serious. Spring break is a great time to refresh yourself. We are nearing the end of our semester and I’m certain some of us are getting a bit burnt out and stressed, I know I am. Spring break can be used as a time to get yourself together and ensure you end the semester strong. Recently, I have found myself in one of the best mental states of my life, thanks to a few tips and tricks. Lucky for all of you, I am willing to share these tips.

Take vitamins. Last summer I discovered that I was, “severely” vitamin D deficient. Since then I have started taking vitamin D supplements, as well as a few other immune boosting vitamins. I can say that I really notice a difference in my mood and overall health. Also, if you are someone who takes daily medication, this is an opportunity to make sure you are on track with what you need.

Create a bullet journal. I stumbled across this trick unintentionally and it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. At the beginning of the semester I got a notebook that became a catch-all. It is where I did scratch work, homework, and other odds and ends. I then started writing to-do lists in there and scheduling out my workload for the week. Now, for me this does not take the place of an actual calendar. I have found it is just an easy way to organize my thoughts in a low-commitment way. There are many examples of these journals on pinterest, however I find it very hard to stick with a consistent format so I just do whatever I feel that day.

Get up early. I have never been a morning person until this semester. I always wake up at least two hours before my classes during the school week to make certain I have plenty of time to start the day relaxed. I take my time getting ready, eat breakfast, and have a chance to think about the day ahead of me.

Identify your productivity style. This last tip ties into the previous one. Waking up early works wonders for me, however I know it may not be for everyone. If waking up early isn’t for you, I encourage you to find a bit of time somewhere in your day solely dedicated to aligning yourself and relax a bit. I also believe everyone should take time to experiment a little and figure out what types of routines work best for them as individuals. This break would be a great time to create a personality inventory and incorporate some things you learned from those personality tests mentioned earlier into your everyday life.

I hope you did at least one thing on this little guide, even if it was just reading the post itself. If you did find something helpful or tried something suggested, please share what you did with me on Instagram (@wss.sdsu)! I can’t wait to hear from you lovely ladies! Happy spring break!

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